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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author assures that the article will not be sent to any other media until it has been rejected by Studia Historica. Historia Medieval.
  • The file sent is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or Open Office format.
  • The author assures at all times that the article submitted is completely unpublished.
  • The author assures at all times that the article submitted is completely original.
  • The article complies at all times with the editing standards of Studia Historica Historia Medieval Journal.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been previously submitted to another journal.

Author Guidelines


Studia Historica. Historia Medieval is a scientific journal published every six months and aimed at publishing studies related to Medieval History without any geographical or chronological constraints.

  1. All contributions must be original work and written preferably in Spanish or English, although other languages may also be considered (such as French, Italian and Portuguese). Similarly, manuscripts must not have been sent or accepted for publication elsewhere. The views expressed by authors in manuscripts do not need to conform to those held by the Editorial Board.
  2. Original contributions will be pre-screened by the Editorial Board and, if they are deemed of acceptable quality, they will then be double-blind, peer-reviewed by external reviewers. Following the reports by the reviewers, the Editorial Board will decide whether to proceed to publication or not. Authors will be notified immediately.
  3. Manuscripts should not exceed 70,000 characters, inclusive of blank spaces and bibliography.
  4. The following details must be included in a separate Word file: the article’s title in Spanish or in the work’s original language and in English (or in Spanish if the article is written in English); name and surname of author(s); professional category; institutional affiliation; full academic postal address; email and phone number; ORCID id; and article’s date of completion.
  5. Moreover, an abstract must be provided in another Word file with the tittle of the article. This will be in Spanish (or in the work’s original language) and in English (or in Spanish if the article is written in English) and must summarize the content of the work without any assessment or criticism. Abstracts should not exceed 1000 characters. This will be followed by a maximum of 6 keywords in Spanish (or in the original language of the text and English) that describe the content and facilitate its indexing in databases.
  6. The main text may be divided into sections with Arabic numerals, keeping 0 for the Introduction. Any potential subsections must also be numbered with Arabic numerals separated by a period (for example: 0 Introduction; 1 ...; 1.1 ...; 1.1.2 ...; 2 ...; etc.). Notes must be flagged with superscript numbers (without any brackets of parentheses) immediately after the relevant word and before the punctuation mark and must be placed at the page footer.
  7. Originals must duly indicate the different fonts to be used. Acronyms and abbreviations which are not universally recognised must be preceded by an *. Quotations from primary texts must be in italics, if they are long, they must also be in a separate, indented paragraph and in a smaller font. Quotations from secondary texts must appear between angle quotation marks («»).
  8. Tables and figures (photographs, maps, figures, diagrams, etc.) must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. They must be referred to in the main text using a brief format (Table 1, Table 2, etc.; Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). Figures must be submitted in image files of good quality. Figure captions must be included in a separate Word file accordingly identifying their number and their sources. The place in the main text where the various figures should be added must be clearly indicated.
  9. Bibliographic referencing must follow the Chicago referencing system for shortened notes: Author, shortened title, page number (without p. or pp.), n. for note. Examples: Toubert, Castillos, 150-64; Menant, «Crisis», 65-6.
  10. All manuscripts must include a list with all the bibliographical references at the end in alphabetical order and including DOI links for all electronic documents. The Chicago citation system must be used for full references. Examples:


Toubert, Pierre. Castillos, señores y campesinos en la Italia medieval. Barcelona: Crítica, 1990.

Journal articles:

Freedman, Paul. «La resistencia campesina y la historiografía de la Europa medieval». Edad Media. Revista de Historia 3 (2000): 17-37.

Edited collections:

Menant, François. «Crisis de subsistencias y crisis agrarias en la Edad Media: algunas reflexiones previas». En Crisis de subsistencias y crisis agrarias en la Edad Media, Oliva Herrer, Hipólito Rafael y Benito i Monclús, Pere (eds.), 17-60. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2007.

Website content:

«Edición electrónica del Becerro Galicano de San Millán de la Cogolla», último acceso: 21 de junio de 2019,

  1. These guidelines must be adapted to the language of the manuscript, avoiding foreign phrases. In case reference management software (EndNote, Mendelay, etc.) is used, it is required that the submitted text does not include any reference tags in order to ease the editor’s task.
  2. Both originals and any related correspondence will be managed exclusively via the OJS platform provided by Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca to all the journals it publishes [].
  3. In due time authors will receive a single proof, already paginated, for the revision of typos and minor changes. Major changes (such as adding or removing full paragraphs) will not be accepted as they would affect the typeset layout and impact on editing costs. In order to avoid unnecessary delays in publication, authors must agree to check their proofs within 15 days from the day they are received.
  4. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval will provide authors with a PDF file of their article. While self-archiving is allowed, we recommend a DOI link to the submission or alternatively a link to the article’s URL so that the article can be downloaded from the original source.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.