Recognising Cartulary Studies Thirty Years after Les cartularies
Resumen Este artículo comienza analizando los logros obtenidos por el volumen titulado Les cartulaires (1993), especialmente en relación con el impulso de un nuevo campo de investigación. Se reflexiona sobre cómo se ha desarrollado ese tema desde comienzos de la década de los 90, especialmente en referencia a lo que ha caracterizado la investigación y a los temas y cuestiones que los historiadores han indagado. Posteriormente, dentro de la evolución de este campo de estudio, se sitúan las últimas investigaciones relacionadas con intereses establecidos desde largo tiempo sobre los cartularios, como la funcionalidad, las tipologías, los escribas y las influencias de las prácticas editoriales, así como con los nuevos planteamientos sobre la lectura de estos códices. Este artículo subraya la diversidad y multifuncionalidad de estas investigaciones y aborda algunas cuestiones que derivan de ello. Como resultado, se ofrecen nuevas formas para comprender y conceptualizar este campo de estudio.
- Referencias
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Becerro Galicano Digital, El Becerro Galicano de San Millán de a Cogolla,
Berenbeim, Jessica. Art of Documentation: Documents and Visual Culture in Medieval England. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2015.
Berkhofer, Robert F. Forgeries and Historical Writing in England, France, and Flanders, 900-1200. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2022.
Bertrand, Paul. Les écritures ordinaires: Sociologie d’un temps de révolution documentaire (entre royaume de France et Empire, 1250-1350). Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2015 (republished in translation as Bertrand, Paul. Documenting the Everyday in Medieval Europe: The Social Dimensions of a Writing Revolution, 1250-1350. Turnhout: Brepols, 2019).
Bertrand, Paul, Bourlet, Caroline and Hélary, Xavier. «Vers une typologie des cartulaires médiévaux», in Les cartulaires méridionaux, Le Blévec, Daniel (ed.), 7-20. Paris: École des Chartes, 2006.
Bertrand, Paul and Helias-Baron, Marlène (eds.). CartulR: Répertoire des cartulaires médievaux et modernes. Orléans: Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, 2006.
Bouchard, Constance B. «Monastic Cartularies: Organising Eternity». In Charters, Cartularies and Archives: The Preservation and Transmission of Documents in the Medieval West. Proceedings of a Colloquium of the Commission Internationale de Diplomatique (Princeton and New York, 16-18 September 1999), Kosto, Adam J. and Winroth, Anders (eds.), 22-32. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2002.
Bougard, François et al. (eds.) RegeCart: regestes de cartulaires. Orléans: Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes,
Brown, Warren et al. (eds.) Documentary Culture and the Laity in the Early Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Chastang, Pierre. «Cartulaires, cartularisation et scripturalité médiévale: la structuration d’un nouveau champ de recherche». Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale 49 (2006): 21-31.
Chastang, Pierre. Lire, écrire, transcrire. Le travail des rédacteurs de cartulaires en Bas-Languedoc, Xe-XIIIe siècles. Paris: CTHS, 2001.
Clanchy, Michel T. From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307, 3rd edition. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Connolly, Margaret and Radulescu, Raluca (eds). Insular Books: Vernacular Manuscript Miscellanies in Late Medieval Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Davis, G. R. C. (ed.). Medieval Cartularies of Great Britain and Ireland. London: British Library, 2010 (First published 1958).
Declercq, Georges. «Originals and Cartularies: The Organisation of Archival Memory (Ninth-Eleventh Centuries)». In Charters and the Use of the Written Word, Heidecker, Karl (ed.), 147-70. Turnhout: Brepols, 2000.
Driscoll, Mathew J. «The Words on the Page: Thoughts on Philology, Old and New». In Creating the Medieval Saga: Versions, Variability and Editorial Interpretations of Old Norse Saga Literature, Quina, Judy and Lethbridge, Emily (eds.), 87-104. Odense: Syddansk University Press, 2010.
Dutton, Kathryn. «The Cartulary of the Cistercian Abbey of Kirkstead, Lincolnshire: The Landscape Realities and Documentary Defences of an Abbey site in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries». Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 12 (2023): 77-121.
Escalona, Julio, Pérez-Alfaro, Cristina and Bellettini, Anna. «Two Graphical Models for the Analysis and Comparison of Cartularies». Digital Medievalist 11 (2017), DOI:
Escalona, Julio and Sirantoine, Hèlene (eds.). Chartes et cartulaires comme instruments de pouvoir: Espagne et Occident chrétien (VIIIe-XIIe siècles). Toulouse-Madrid: Université Toulouse II- CSIC, 2013.
Flammarion, Hubert. «Une équipe de scribes au travail au XIIIe siècle: le grand cartulaire du chapitre cathédral de Langres». Archiv für Diplomatik 28 (1982): 271-305.
Foulds, Trevor. «Medieval Cartularies». Archives 18.77 (1987): 3-35.
Furtado, Rodrigo and Moscone, Marcello (eds.). From Chartes to Codex. Studies on Cartularies and Archival Memory in the Middle Ages. Turnhout: Brepols, 2019.
Galović, Tomislav. «Historical Circumstances of the Appearance of Medieval Cartularies in Croatia». Initial. A Review of Medieval Studies 4 (2016): 73-95.
Geary, Patrick J. Phantoms of Remembrance: Memory and Oblivion at the End of the First Millennium, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.
Genet, Jean-Philippe. «Cartulaires, registres et histoire: l’exemple anglais». In Le métier d’historien au Moyen Age, Guenée, Bernard (ed.), 95-129. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 1977.
Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.). Les cartulaires. Paris: École Nationale des Chartes, 1993.
Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Laurent Morelle and Michel Parisse, «Avant-propos». In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 7-9. Paris: École des Chartes, 1993.
Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Pycke, Jacques and Tock, Benoît-Michel. Diplomatique médiévale. Turnhout: Brepols, 1993.
Heidecker, Karl. (ed.). Charters and the Use of the Written Word. Turnhout: Brepols, 2000.
Hélary, Xavier (ed.). Le cartulaire de la seigneurie de Nesle (1269, Condé Museum, 14 F 22). Orléans: Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, 2006.
Jamroziak, Emilia. Rievaulx Abbey and its Social Context, 1132-1300: Memory, Locality, and Networks. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
Kosto, Adam J. «Review». The Medieval Review (2021).
Lamazou-Duplan, Véronique and Ramírez Vaquero, Eloisa (eds.). Les cartulaires médiévaux. Écrire et conserver la mémoire du pouvoir, le pouvoir de la mémoire. Pau: Université de Pau et des Pays de l´Adour, 2019.
Les cartulaires normands. Bilan et perspectives de recherche. Tabularia 9 (2009).
Le Blévec, Daniel, (ed.). Les Cartulaires méridionaux. Paris: École Nationale des Chartes, 2006.
Molitor, Stephan (ed.). Das Reichenbacher Schenkungsbuch. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1997.
Morelle, Laurent. «Conclusions». In Originaux et cartulaires dans la Lorraine médiévale (XIIe-XVIe siècles): Recueil d’études, Renault, Jean-Baptiste (ed.), 207-14. Turnhout: Brepols, 2016.
Morelle, Laurent. «De l’original à la copie: remarques sur l’évaluation des transcriptions dans les cartulaires médiévaux», In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 91-104. Paris: École des chartes, 1993.
Parisse, Michel, «Conclusion». In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 503-11. Paris: École des Chartes, 1993.
Prevenier, Walter. «Review». Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire 75/2 (1997): 493-6.
Renault, Jean-Baptiste (ed.). Originaux et cartulaires dans la Lorraine médiévale (XIIe-XVIe siècles): Recueil d’études. Turnhout: Brepols, 2016.
Rodríguez Díaz, Elena and García Martínez, Antonio Claret (eds.). La escritura de la memoria: los cartularios. Huelva: Universidad de Huelva, 2011.
Seale, Yvonne and Wacha, Heather (eds). The Cartulary of Prémontré. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2023.
Sirantoine, Hélène. «Cartularization and Genre Boundaries: Reflection on the Nondiplomatic Material of the Toledan Cartularies (End of the Twelfth to the Fourteenth Century)». Speculum 98/1 (2023): 164-212.
Spence, Michael. The Late Medieval Cistercian Monastery of Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire: Monastic Administration, Economy, and Archival Memory. Turnhout: Brepols, 2020.
Stein, Henri. Bibliographie générale des cartulaires français ou relatifs a l’histoire de France. Paris: Picard, 1907.
Stevenson, Hilary. Reading Across the Manuscripts: The Process of Cartularisation at Arbroath Abbey. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2023 [Unpublished PhD thesis available online at].
Tinti, Francesca. «From Episcopal Conception to Monastic Compilation: Hemming’s Cartulary in context». Early Medieval Europe 11 (2002): 233-61.
Tinti, Francesca. «Si litterali memorię commendaretur: Memory and Cartularies in Eleventh-Century Worcester». In Early Medieval Studies in Memory of Patrick Wormald, Baxter, Stephen et al. (eds.), 475-97. Farnham: Routledge, 2009.
Tucker, Joanna. «Understanding Scotland’s Medieval Cartularies». Innes Review 70/2 (2019): 135-70.
Tucker, Joanna. Reading and Shaping Medieval Cartularies: Multi-Scribe Manuscripts and their Patterns of Growth. A Study of the Earliest Cartularies of Glasgow Cathedral and Lindores Abbey. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2020.
Tucker, Joanna. «Copying Names: A Scribe-Centric View of the Orthography of Names in Medieval Cartularies». Journal of Scottish Name Studies 15 (2021): 63-112.
Tucker, Joanna. «Survival and Loss: Working with Documents from Medieval Scotland». In Dark Archives, vol. 1: Voyages Into the Medieval Unread and Unreadable, 2019-2021, Pink, Stephen A. and Lappin, Anthony J. (eds.), 61-96. Oxford: Medium Aevum, 2023.
Verpeaux, Nathalie. «Les cisterciens et la cartularisation au Moyen Âge: les cartulaires des abbayes cisterciennes de Wallonie jusqu’au début du XVe siècle». Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique 113 (2018): 576-610.
Vérité, Isabelle. «Les enterprises françaises de recensement des cartulaires (XVIIIe-XXe siècles)». In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 179-213. Paris: École des Chartes, 1993.
Wacha, Heather and Seale, Yvonne (eds). The Cartulary of Prémontré. Toronto: University of Toronto Press and the Medieval Academy of America, 2023.
Walker, David. «The Organization of Material in Medieval Cartularies». In The Study of Medieval Records: Essays in Honour of Kathleen Major, Bullough, D. A. and Storey, R. L. (eds.), 132-50. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971, 132-50.
Wearing, Shannon L. «Holy Donors, Mighty Queens: Imaging Women in the Spanish Cathedral Cartularies of the Long Twelfth Century». Journal of Medieval History 42 (2016): 76-106.
Zerner, Monique. «L’élaboration du grand cartulaire de Saint-Victor de Marseille». In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 217-46. Paris: École des Chartes, 1993.
Berenbeim, Jessica. Art of Documentation: Documents and Visual Culture in Medieval England. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2015.
Berkhofer, Robert F. Forgeries and Historical Writing in England, France, and Flanders, 900-1200. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2022.
Bertrand, Paul. Les écritures ordinaires: Sociologie d’un temps de révolution documentaire (entre royaume de France et Empire, 1250-1350). Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2015 (republished in translation as Bertrand, Paul. Documenting the Everyday in Medieval Europe: The Social Dimensions of a Writing Revolution, 1250-1350. Turnhout: Brepols, 2019).
Bertrand, Paul, Bourlet, Caroline and Hélary, Xavier. «Vers une typologie des cartulaires médiévaux», in Les cartulaires méridionaux, Le Blévec, Daniel (ed.), 7-20. Paris: École des Chartes, 2006.
Bertrand, Paul and Helias-Baron, Marlène (eds.). CartulR: Répertoire des cartulaires médievaux et modernes. Orléans: Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, 2006.
Bouchard, Constance B. «Monastic Cartularies: Organising Eternity». In Charters, Cartularies and Archives: The Preservation and Transmission of Documents in the Medieval West. Proceedings of a Colloquium of the Commission Internationale de Diplomatique (Princeton and New York, 16-18 September 1999), Kosto, Adam J. and Winroth, Anders (eds.), 22-32. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2002.
Bougard, François et al. (eds.) RegeCart: regestes de cartulaires. Orléans: Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes,
Brown, Warren et al. (eds.) Documentary Culture and the Laity in the Early Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Chastang, Pierre. «Cartulaires, cartularisation et scripturalité médiévale: la structuration d’un nouveau champ de recherche». Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale 49 (2006): 21-31.
Chastang, Pierre. Lire, écrire, transcrire. Le travail des rédacteurs de cartulaires en Bas-Languedoc, Xe-XIIIe siècles. Paris: CTHS, 2001.
Clanchy, Michel T. From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307, 3rd edition. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Connolly, Margaret and Radulescu, Raluca (eds). Insular Books: Vernacular Manuscript Miscellanies in Late Medieval Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Davis, G. R. C. (ed.). Medieval Cartularies of Great Britain and Ireland. London: British Library, 2010 (First published 1958).
Declercq, Georges. «Originals and Cartularies: The Organisation of Archival Memory (Ninth-Eleventh Centuries)». In Charters and the Use of the Written Word, Heidecker, Karl (ed.), 147-70. Turnhout: Brepols, 2000.
Driscoll, Mathew J. «The Words on the Page: Thoughts on Philology, Old and New». In Creating the Medieval Saga: Versions, Variability and Editorial Interpretations of Old Norse Saga Literature, Quina, Judy and Lethbridge, Emily (eds.), 87-104. Odense: Syddansk University Press, 2010.
Dutton, Kathryn. «The Cartulary of the Cistercian Abbey of Kirkstead, Lincolnshire: The Landscape Realities and Documentary Defences of an Abbey site in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries». Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 12 (2023): 77-121.
Escalona, Julio, Pérez-Alfaro, Cristina and Bellettini, Anna. «Two Graphical Models for the Analysis and Comparison of Cartularies». Digital Medievalist 11 (2017), DOI:
Escalona, Julio and Sirantoine, Hèlene (eds.). Chartes et cartulaires comme instruments de pouvoir: Espagne et Occident chrétien (VIIIe-XIIe siècles). Toulouse-Madrid: Université Toulouse II- CSIC, 2013.
Flammarion, Hubert. «Une équipe de scribes au travail au XIIIe siècle: le grand cartulaire du chapitre cathédral de Langres». Archiv für Diplomatik 28 (1982): 271-305.
Foulds, Trevor. «Medieval Cartularies». Archives 18.77 (1987): 3-35.
Furtado, Rodrigo and Moscone, Marcello (eds.). From Chartes to Codex. Studies on Cartularies and Archival Memory in the Middle Ages. Turnhout: Brepols, 2019.
Galović, Tomislav. «Historical Circumstances of the Appearance of Medieval Cartularies in Croatia». Initial. A Review of Medieval Studies 4 (2016): 73-95.
Geary, Patrick J. Phantoms of Remembrance: Memory and Oblivion at the End of the First Millennium, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.
Genet, Jean-Philippe. «Cartulaires, registres et histoire: l’exemple anglais». In Le métier d’historien au Moyen Age, Guenée, Bernard (ed.), 95-129. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 1977.
Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.). Les cartulaires. Paris: École Nationale des Chartes, 1993.
Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Laurent Morelle and Michel Parisse, «Avant-propos». In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 7-9. Paris: École des Chartes, 1993.
Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Pycke, Jacques and Tock, Benoît-Michel. Diplomatique médiévale. Turnhout: Brepols, 1993.
Heidecker, Karl. (ed.). Charters and the Use of the Written Word. Turnhout: Brepols, 2000.
Hélary, Xavier (ed.). Le cartulaire de la seigneurie de Nesle (1269, Condé Museum, 14 F 22). Orléans: Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, 2006.
Jamroziak, Emilia. Rievaulx Abbey and its Social Context, 1132-1300: Memory, Locality, and Networks. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
Kosto, Adam J. «Review». The Medieval Review (2021).
Lamazou-Duplan, Véronique and Ramírez Vaquero, Eloisa (eds.). Les cartulaires médiévaux. Écrire et conserver la mémoire du pouvoir, le pouvoir de la mémoire. Pau: Université de Pau et des Pays de l´Adour, 2019.
Les cartulaires normands. Bilan et perspectives de recherche. Tabularia 9 (2009).
Le Blévec, Daniel, (ed.). Les Cartulaires méridionaux. Paris: École Nationale des Chartes, 2006.
Molitor, Stephan (ed.). Das Reichenbacher Schenkungsbuch. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1997.
Morelle, Laurent. «Conclusions». In Originaux et cartulaires dans la Lorraine médiévale (XIIe-XVIe siècles): Recueil d’études, Renault, Jean-Baptiste (ed.), 207-14. Turnhout: Brepols, 2016.
Morelle, Laurent. «De l’original à la copie: remarques sur l’évaluation des transcriptions dans les cartulaires médiévaux», In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 91-104. Paris: École des chartes, 1993.
Parisse, Michel, «Conclusion». In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 503-11. Paris: École des Chartes, 1993.
Prevenier, Walter. «Review». Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire 75/2 (1997): 493-6.
Renault, Jean-Baptiste (ed.). Originaux et cartulaires dans la Lorraine médiévale (XIIe-XVIe siècles): Recueil d’études. Turnhout: Brepols, 2016.
Rodríguez Díaz, Elena and García Martínez, Antonio Claret (eds.). La escritura de la memoria: los cartularios. Huelva: Universidad de Huelva, 2011.
Seale, Yvonne and Wacha, Heather (eds). The Cartulary of Prémontré. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2023.
Sirantoine, Hélène. «Cartularization and Genre Boundaries: Reflection on the Nondiplomatic Material of the Toledan Cartularies (End of the Twelfth to the Fourteenth Century)». Speculum 98/1 (2023): 164-212.
Spence, Michael. The Late Medieval Cistercian Monastery of Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire: Monastic Administration, Economy, and Archival Memory. Turnhout: Brepols, 2020.
Stein, Henri. Bibliographie générale des cartulaires français ou relatifs a l’histoire de France. Paris: Picard, 1907.
Stevenson, Hilary. Reading Across the Manuscripts: The Process of Cartularisation at Arbroath Abbey. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2023 [Unpublished PhD thesis available online at].
Tinti, Francesca. «From Episcopal Conception to Monastic Compilation: Hemming’s Cartulary in context». Early Medieval Europe 11 (2002): 233-61.
Tinti, Francesca. «Si litterali memorię commendaretur: Memory and Cartularies in Eleventh-Century Worcester». In Early Medieval Studies in Memory of Patrick Wormald, Baxter, Stephen et al. (eds.), 475-97. Farnham: Routledge, 2009.
Tucker, Joanna. «Understanding Scotland’s Medieval Cartularies». Innes Review 70/2 (2019): 135-70.
Tucker, Joanna. Reading and Shaping Medieval Cartularies: Multi-Scribe Manuscripts and their Patterns of Growth. A Study of the Earliest Cartularies of Glasgow Cathedral and Lindores Abbey. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2020.
Tucker, Joanna. «Copying Names: A Scribe-Centric View of the Orthography of Names in Medieval Cartularies». Journal of Scottish Name Studies 15 (2021): 63-112.
Tucker, Joanna. «Survival and Loss: Working with Documents from Medieval Scotland». In Dark Archives, vol. 1: Voyages Into the Medieval Unread and Unreadable, 2019-2021, Pink, Stephen A. and Lappin, Anthony J. (eds.), 61-96. Oxford: Medium Aevum, 2023.
Verpeaux, Nathalie. «Les cisterciens et la cartularisation au Moyen Âge: les cartulaires des abbayes cisterciennes de Wallonie jusqu’au début du XVe siècle». Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique 113 (2018): 576-610.
Vérité, Isabelle. «Les enterprises françaises de recensement des cartulaires (XVIIIe-XXe siècles)». In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 179-213. Paris: École des Chartes, 1993.
Wacha, Heather and Seale, Yvonne (eds). The Cartulary of Prémontré. Toronto: University of Toronto Press and the Medieval Academy of America, 2023.
Walker, David. «The Organization of Material in Medieval Cartularies». In The Study of Medieval Records: Essays in Honour of Kathleen Major, Bullough, D. A. and Storey, R. L. (eds.), 132-50. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971, 132-50.
Wearing, Shannon L. «Holy Donors, Mighty Queens: Imaging Women in the Spanish Cathedral Cartularies of the Long Twelfth Century». Journal of Medieval History 42 (2016): 76-106.
Zerner, Monique. «L’élaboration du grand cartulaire de Saint-Victor de Marseille». In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 217-46. Paris: École des Chartes, 1993.
Tucker, J. (2024). Recognising Cartulary Studies Thirty Years after Les cartularies. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 42(1), 9–24.
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