Interpreting Monastic Cartularies in Northwest Europe, 900-1200: Thirty Years of Scholarship
Resumen Desde la publicación del volumen Les cartulaires en 1993, la investigación sobre los cartularios ha evolucionado en dos direcciones: como parte de una cultura documental más amplia y mediante el reconocimiento de patrones regionales o textuales, utilizando herramientas digitales y enfoques postmodernos. Este artículo analiza los diversos discursos presentes en los cartularios monásticos del noroeste de Europa de los siglos centrales de la Edad Media, que conllevan patrimonio, conmemoración, identidad colectiva e historia. Este trabajo explora las formas variables de los cartularios monásticos, incluyendo pequeños grupos de documentos, y sus funciones. Se demuestra que los redactores de cartularios organizaron cuidadosamente los documentos representativos de sus archivos para transmitir múltiples mensajes a sus audiencias medievales.
- Referencias
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Karn, Nicholas. «Cartularies and Legal Change in the Later 12th Century». Oral Communication, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, July 2016.
Karn, Nicholas. Kings, Lords, and Courts in Anglo-Norman England. Woodbridge: Boydell, 2020.
Keynes, Simon. «King Æthelred’s Charter for Sherborne Abbey, 998». In St Wulfsige and Sherborne: Essays to Celebrate the Millenium of the Benedictine Abbey 998-1998, Barker, Katherine, Hinton, David. A. and Hunt, Alan (eds.), 1-14. Oxford: Oxbow, 2005.
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Tinti, Francesca. «Si litterali memorię commendaretur: Memory and Cartularies in Eleventh-Century Worcester». In Studies in Early Medieval History in Memory of Patrick Wormald, Baxter, Stephen et al. (eds.), 475-97. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009.
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Tucker, Joanna. Reading and Shaping Medieval Cartularies: Multi-Scribe Manuscripts and their Patterns of Growth. A Study of the Earliest Cartularies of Glasgow Cathedral and Lindores Abbey. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2020.
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Brown, Warren et al. (eds.) Documentary Culture and the Laity in the Early Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Chastang, Pierre. «La preface du Liber Instrumentorum Memorialis des Guilham de Montpellier ou les enjeux de la redaction d’un cartulaire laïque méridional». In Les cartulaires méridionaux, Le Blévec, Daniel (ed.), 91-111. Paris: École des Chartes, 2016.
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Delmaire, Bernard. «Cartulaires et inventaires de chartes dans le nord de la France». In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 301-23. Paris: École des Chartes, 1993.
Evergates, Theodore (ed.). Littere baronum: The Earliest Cartulary of the Counts of Champagne. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003.
England, Jennie M. «The Codex Wintoniensis in its Twelfth-Century Context». Haskins Society Journal 29 (2018): 115-38.
Fleming, Robin. «Christ Church Canterbury’s Anglo-Norman Cartulary». In Anglo-Norman Political Culture and the Twelfth-Century Renaissance, Hollister, C. Warren (ed.), 83-135. Woodbridge: Ashgate, 1997.
Geary, Patrick. «Entre gestion et gesta». In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 13-26. Paris: École des Chartes, 1993.
Geary, Patrick. Phantoms of Remembrance: Memory and Oblivion at the End of the First Millennium. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.
Geary, Patrick. «From Charter to Cartulary: From Archival Practice to History». In Representing History, 900-1300: Art, Music, History, Maxwell, Robert (ed.), 181-6. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010.
Grant, Lindy. Abbot Suger of St-Denis: Church and State in Early Twelfth-Century France. London: Longman, 1998.
Guyotjeannin, Olivier. «Penuria scriptorium: Le mythe de l’anarchie documentaire dans la France du nord (Xe-première moitié du XIe siècle)». Pratiques de l’écrit documentaire au XIe siècle. Bibliothèque de l’École de Chartes 155/1 (1997): 11-44.
Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.). Les cartulaires. Paris: École Nationale des Chartes, 1993.
Iogna-Prat, Dominique. «La confection des cartulaires et l’historiographie de Cluny (XIe-XIIe siècles)». In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 27-44. Paris: École des Chartes, 1993.
Karn, Nicholas. «Cartularies and Legal Change in the Later 12th Century». Oral Communication, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, July 2016.
Karn, Nicholas. Kings, Lords, and Courts in Anglo-Norman England. Woodbridge: Boydell, 2020.
Keynes, Simon. «King Æthelred’s Charter for Sherborne Abbey, 998». In St Wulfsige and Sherborne: Essays to Celebrate the Millenium of the Benedictine Abbey 998-1998, Barker, Katherine, Hinton, David. A. and Hunt, Alan (eds.), 1-14. Oxford: Oxbow, 2005.
Koziol, Geoffrey. The Politics of Memory and Identity in Carolingian Royal Diplomas: The West Frankish Kingdom (840-987). Leiden: Brill, 2012.
Le Blévec, Daniel, (ed.). Les Cartulaires méridionaux. Paris: École Nationale des Chartes, 2006.
Miller, Maureen C. «Reframing the Documentary Revolution in Medieval Italy». Speculum 95/3 (2023): 673-94.
Miller, Sean (ed.). The Charters of New Minster, Winchester. Anglo-Saxon Charters 9. London: British Academy, 2001.
Morelle, Laurent. «Diplomatic Culture and History Writing: The Folquin’s Cartulary-Chronicle for Saint-Bertin». In Representing History, 900-1300: Art, Music, History, Maxwell, Robert (ed.), 53-66. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010.
Mortensen, Lare Boje. «Comparing and Connecting: The Rise of Fast Historiography in Latin and Vernacular (Twelfth to Thirteenth Century)». Medieval Worlds 1 (2015): 25-39.
Mostert, Marco. New Theories of Medieval Communication. Turnhout: Brepols, 1999.
Nieus, Jean-François. «Cartulaires, inventaires, mentions dorsales». In Les archives princières: XIIe-XIVe siècles, Nieus, Jean-François et al. (eds.), 9-21. Arras: Presses Universitaires d’Artois, 2016.
O’Brien, Bruce. «Textus Roffensis: An Introduction». In Textus Roffensis: Law, Language, and Libraries in Early Medieval England, O’Brien, Bruce and Bombi, Barbara (eds.), 1-16. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015.
O’Donnell, Thomas. «Identities in Communities: Literary Culture and Memory at Worcester». In Constructing History Across the Norman Conquest: Worcester, c.1050-c.1150, Tinti, Francesca and Woodman, David (eds.), 31-60. Woodbridge: Boydell, 2022.
O’Donovan, Mary Anne (ed.). The Charters of Sherborne. Anglo-Saxon Charters 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.
Otter, Monika. Inventiones: Fiction and Referentiality in Twelfth-Century English Historical Writing. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.
Parisse, Michel. «Les pancartes: Étude d’un type d’acte diplomatique». In Pancartes monastiques de XIe et XII siècles, Parisse, Michel et al. (eds.), 11-62. Turnhout: Brepols, 1998.
Peterson, David. «Mentiras piadosas. Falsificaciones e interpolaciones en la diplomática de San Millán de la Cogolla». In Las donaciones piadosas en el mundo medieval, García Leal, Alfonso (ed.), 295-314. Oviedo: Asturiensis Regni Territorium, 2012.
Pohl, Benjamin. «The Problem of Cluniac Exemption». In A Companion to the Abbey of Cluny in the Middle Ages, Bruce, Scott G. and Vanderputten, Steven (eds.), 288-305. Leiden: Brill, 2022.
Roche, Thomas. «The Pancarte of Jumièges and Beyond: Parallel Histories and Authority». Oral Communication, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, July 2016.
Rosenwein, Barbara H. To Be the Neighbor of Saint Peter. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989.
Rozier, Charles C. Writing History in the Community of St. Cuthbert, c. 700-1130: From Bede to Symeon of Durham. York: York Medieval Press, 2020.
Rumble, Alexander R. «The Purposes of the Codex Wintoniensis». Anglo-Norman Studies 4 (1981): 153-66.
Rumble, Alexander R. Property and Piety in Early Medieval Winchester. Oxford: Clarendon, 2002.
Sabapathy, John. Officers and Accountability in Medieval England, 1170-1300. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Savill, Benjamin. «The Donation of (Pope) Constantine: Imitation, Forgery and the Death of Papyrus, 709-1205». Anglo-Norman Studies 46 (forthcoming).
Sawyer, Peter (ed.). Textus Roffensis: Rochester Cathedral Library Manuscript A.3.5. 2 vols. Copenhagen: Rothskilde and Bagger, 1957-62.
Sharpe, Richard. «Goscelin’s St Augustine and St Mildreth: Hagiography and Liturgy in Context». The Journal of Theological Studies, new series, 41/2 (1990): 502-16.
Teuscher, Simon. Lords’ Rights and Peasant Stories: Writing and the Formation of Tradition in the Later Middle Ages. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012.
Tinti, Francesca. «Si litterali memorię commendaretur: Memory and Cartularies in Eleventh-Century Worcester». In Studies in Early Medieval History in Memory of Patrick Wormald, Baxter, Stephen et al. (eds.), 475-97. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009.
Tinti, Francesca. Sustaining Belief: The Church of Worcester from c.870 to c.1100. Farnham: Ashgate, 2010.
Thomson, Rodney. «Monastic and Cathedral Book Production». In The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, Morgan, Nigel and Thomson, Rodney (eds.), 136-67. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Tock, Benoît-Michel. «Les textes non-diplomatique dans les cartulaires de la province de Reims». In Les cartulaires, Guyotjeannin, Olivier, Morelle, Laurent and Parisse, Michel (eds.), 45-58. Paris: École des Chartes, 1993.
Tucker, Joanna. Reading and Shaping Medieval Cartularies: Multi-Scribe Manuscripts and their Patterns of Growth. A Study of the Earliest Cartularies of Glasgow Cathedral and Lindores Abbey. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2020.
Ugé, Karine. Creating the Monastic Past in Medieval Flanders. Woodbridge: York Medieval Press, 2005.
Van Houts, Elisabeth. «Historical Writing». In Companion to the Anglo-Norman World, Harper-Bill, Christopher and Van Houts, Elisabeth (eds.), 103-21. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003.
Verité, Isabelle et al. (eds.). Répertoire des cartulaires français: Provinces ecclésiastiqus d’Aix, Arles, Embrun, Vienne Diocèse de Tarentaise. Paris: CNRS, 2003.
Waldschütz, Johannes. «Cartularies as Narrative Texts: The Monasteries of the Hirsau Reform Movement in South-Western Germany during the 12th Century». Oral Communication, Leeds International Medieval Congress, July 2016.
Wormald, Francis. «The Sherborne Chartulary ». In Fritz Saxl: A Volume of Memorial Essays from His Friends in England, Gordon, Donald James (ed.), 101-19. London: Nelson, 1957.
Berkhofer, R. (2024). Interpreting Monastic Cartularies in Northwest Europe, 900-1200: Thirty Years of Scholarship. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 42(1), 25–46.
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