Hoja de estilo de Zephyrus



These guidelines aim to facilitate the edition and publication of Zephyrus by explaining the form in which texts should be presented when submitted for publication. They develop and specify in greater detail the instructions for the submission of manuscripts and complement the guidelines published in the paper version of the journal.

Submission of manuscripts

The manuscripts, carefully adapted to the instructions given below, should be delivered to Zephyrus either using the OJS online submission system (httpsrevistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0514-7336/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions) or sent to the email: zephyrus@usal.es


Manuscripts should not have been published elsewhere or be awaiting publication, either totally or partially. They should be sent electronically (text and table files in MS Word; images and graphs as .jpg or .tiff files). The first page must contain the name of the author(s), complete postal address, email address and ORCID code (https://orcid.org/login).

Authorship declaration

A text signed by the authors should also be sent, declaring that the paper is original and has been sent exclusively to this journal. If it is based on the results of a research project in progress, the text should include the authorisation of the P.I., if that researcher is not one of the authors.

Declaration of privacy

The names and email address appearing in this journal will be used exclusively for the declared purposes of the journal and will not be available for any other person or purpose.


The manuscripts received will be assessed by external reviewers using the double-blind method. Some of the reviewers may be selected by the Editorial Committee from a list of five specialists proposed by the author(s). Depending on the reviewers’ opinion, the Editorial Committee will decide whether to accept the manuscript for publication, according to its quality and the interest it may have for the scientific community. After its acceptance, the Editorial Committee will transmit the corrections to the text deriving from the external assessment and the regulations for publication. The Committee will undertake to inform about the acceptance or rejection of manuscripts in a maximum period of six months after their reception, and will communicate the reasons for its decision.

Guidelines for the manuscripts

-      Title: this must be in Spanish and English, and if the text is in another language, also in that language. It should be precise and indicate the contents.

-      Name and surnames of the author(s). Professional affiliation. Place of work. Complete postal address and email address, unless the authors expressly requests the contrary.

-      Abstract: this must be in Spanish and English, of about 200 words. It should include the objectives, methods, and conclusions.

-      Keywords: these must be in Spanish and English, with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 words. Terms that facilitate indexing should be chosen and words included in the title should be avoided.

-      Acknowledgements, references to projects, etc. will be given at the start of the manuscript in a footnote. When the results of a research project in progress are published, it will be necessary to demonstrate the express authorisation of the P.I., if that researcher is not one of the authors.

-      Text: the maximum length of the text is 11,000 words (approximately equivalent to 25 A4 sheets in Times New Roman, at 12 point font size and 1.5 line spacing), including graphic material, notes and references. It should be submitted carefully revised and adapted to the journal guidelines. It should be structured into sections whose headings, without a full stop at the end, will be numbered with Arabic numerals to indicate their order, without using letters or any other kind of numbering.


1.   First level: Initial capital letter followed by boldtype

1.1. Second level: Initial capital letter followed by small italics

1.1.1. Third level: Initial capital letter followed by small normal type

-      Paragraphs must be justified with standard indentation in the first line (1.25cm), with single line spacing and without any spaces between paragraphs. In the text, capital letters will be limited to the first letter of proper nouns, archaeological and geological periods and cultures.

Further instructions

-      Abbreviations and acronyms will be written without full stops, both in the text and in illustrations: km, ha, g, cm, m.

-      Years will be written without punctuation: 2012

-      Decimals should be followed by a point and not a comma: 3.57

-      C14 dates: They will be accompanied by the laboratory code, sample number, type of material and standard deviation. Calibrated dates should be given with the programme and calibration curve used.

-      All the analytical studies will describe the sample type (seeds, iron slag, rock, etc.) and the techniques and equipment used.

-      Clarifications and specifications in the text should not be given in brackets but between dashes: -often with secondary effects-

-      The numbers of centuries should be expressed with ordinal Arabic numerals: 14th

-      No separation between the number and the percentage sign: 17%.

-      Scales: 1:50,000

-      Location: latitude and longitude (in degrees): 35º23'25'' S, 18º12'17'' E; or as X and Y UTM coordinates (in m): 406122, 4185224, always stating the datum (e.g. ETRS89).

-      Chronological references:

  • Before Present: BP
  • Million years: My
  • Calibrated Before Christ: cal BC
  • Before Christ: BC
  • After Christ (anno domini): AD

Quotations and references in the text

Quotations, in the text or footnotes, will be given between double inverted commas and the use of italics will be avoided. Italics should be limited to Latin phrases and personal or place names in Latin. The omission of part of the text in a quotation will be indicated by (…).

References to bibliography in the text or footnotes will follow an abbreviated format, except for certain exceptions: author’s surname –a capital letter followed by small letters– followed by a comma, year of publication, a colon and relevant pages in brackets. In the case of multiple references, they will be separated by a semi-colon. For example: (Leroi-Gourhan, 1978: 82-94; Jordá, 1985: 32-44). References will be cited in the text in chronological order. In the case of two authors, they will be linked by ‘and’; in the case of more than two authors, the surname of the first author will be followed by et al., although the names of all the authors must be given in the references at the end of the text. Examples: (Ruiz Zapatero and Álvarez-Sanchís, 1995: 130; Alfaro et al., 1998: 92).

Footnotes, in Times New Roman at 10 point font size, will be limited to brief comments and references, and will be numbered in consecutive ascending order.

References to unpublished texts are not accepted and unpublished doctoral theses will be referenced in notes and never included in the final bibliography.


Figures should be presented in the maximum quality and sent in electronic form (.jpg or .tiff) with at least 300 dpi and sufficient resolution for a size of 160 x 100mm. This category includes tables, graphs and illustrations, all of which will be indicated by the abbreviation Fig. followed by a consecutive Arabic numeral. Their captions will consist of a descriptive text which allows them to be identified and will include the source or cartography used in brackets at the end of the caption.

They will be sent as independent archives and the body of the text will indicate their approximate position with the reference (Fig. 1). They should contain a scale if applicable and in the case of plans or maps, the geographic north should be shown. If they are to be printed in colour, a chromatic scale must be included.

The page format is 160 x 205mm in size and the columns are 71 x 205mm in size. Lettering in the figures must allow reductions. The type of font in tables, graphs etc. will be the standard type (12 or 10 point Times New Roman).

Apart from exceptions, the publication will be in black and white but figures sent in colour will be represented in colour in the digital version of the journal.

End references

Care must be taken for precise correspondence between the publications cited in the text and those that are listed in the final references. The references will be given in the following way:

-      Author’s surname followed by a comma and the initials of the first names followed by a full stop. The first letter in the surname and the initials will be in capital letters and the rest of the surname in small caps. The initials of the author’s first names, and in the case of some surnames, will be separated by full stops and an intermediate space.

-      In the case of several authors, they will be separated by a semi-colon. The names will be followed by the year of publication in brackets, to which a letter (a, b, c, etc.) should be added if several publications are dated in the same year.

-      The title of the article, book or chapter will be preceded by a colon. The title of an article should be given inside inverted commas, while books, journals or proceedings will be in italics and not abbreviated. In the case of journals, the issue and page numbers must be given. In the case of books, the place of publication will be given in the language in which the paper is written and the publisher’s name. In the case of conferences, the place and date of the conference will be given, as well as the place of publication and the corresponding page numbers. The following models are proposed:


Jordá, F. and Sanchidrián, J. L. (1992): La Cueva de Maltravieso. Mérida: Editora Regional de Extremadura.

Paper in a journal:

Maluquer de Motes, J. (1951): “De la Salamanca primitiva”, Zephyrus, II, pp. 61-72.

Collaboration in a collective publication, conference etc.:

Boast, R. (1995): “Fine pots, pure pots, Beaker pots”. In Kinnes, I. and Varndell, G. (eds.): Unbaked Urns of Rudely Shape. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 69-80.

-      References to on-line publications will cite the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and the date the publication was accessed (dd-mm-yyyy) in brackets at the end.