Evaluation of the parietal graphic motifs from El Forcón Cave (A Fueba, Huesca): New Perspectives on the Palaeolithic Art in the Southern slope of the Central Pyrenees

  • Aitor Ruiz Redondo
    Universidad de Bordeux aruizredondo[at]gmail.com
  • Ignacio Clemente Conte
    Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas (CSIC)
  • Javier Ray Lanaspa
  • Ermengol Gassiot Ballbé
    Universidad de Barcelona
  • Mikel Etxebarría Casas


In 1976, a team led from the Museum of Huesca conducted a series of archaeological works in El Forcón Cave (San Juan de Toledo, A Fueba, Huesca). In addition to the recovery of several materials and prehistoric tools in a completely disturbed context, it was discovered the existence of parietal anthropic engravings. After the discovery of the Palaeolithic parietal site of Fuente del Trucho, also on the southern  slope of the Central Pyrenees, and joined to the formal similarity of the El Forcón engravings with other Franco-Cantabrian ensembles, a Palaeolithic chronology was proposed for the ‘parietal art’ of this site. Since then, the scientific literature has included this ensemble in the inventory of cave art. Recently, we undertook a study of the graphical device –unrevised since its first publication–, to assess its potential and the arguments to establish a chronology. In this paper we discuss the evidence found and present the conclusions of the study. The most relevant is that the arguments do not support a Palaeolithic –or even a Prehistoric– chronology for the parietal motifs.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
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Ruiz-Redondo, A. (2015): “Surcos en la arcilla: evaluación arqueológica de los hallazgos parietales de la Cueva de Coro Trasito (Tella, Huesca)”. En Clemente, I.; Gassiot, E. y Rey, J. (eds.): Sobrarbe antes del Sobrarbe: pinceladas de Historia del Pirineo. Huesca: Centro de Estudios del Sobrarbe, pp. 33-42.

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Ruiz Redondo, A., Clemente Conte, I., Ray Lanaspa, J., Gassiot Ballbé, E., & Etxebarría Casas, M. (2016). Evaluation of the parietal graphic motifs from El Forcón Cave (A Fueba, Huesca): New Perspectives on the Palaeolithic Art in the Southern slope of the Central Pyrenees. Zephyrvs, 78, 195–201. https://doi.org/10.14201/zephyrus201678195201

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Author Biographies

Aitor Ruiz Redondo

Universidad de Bordeux
pacea (umr5199)-Univ. de Bordeaux. Bât. b18. Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. 33615 Pessac cedex (Francia)

Ignacio Clemente Conte

Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas (CSIC)
Intitució Milá i Fontanals-csic. C/ Egipcíaques, 15. 08001 Barcelona, España

Javier Ray Lanaspa

Dpto. de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Gobierno de Aragón, España

Ermengol Gassiot Ballbé

Universidad de Barcelona
Dpto. de Prehistoria. Edificio b. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-uab. 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) España

Mikel Etxebarría Casas
