Levantinebovinerepresentations from Casa Forestal de Tormón (Teruel): Ceja de Piezarrodilla and Cerrada del Tío Jorge


A new analysis on two of the most interesting rock-art shelters of the mountain range of Albarracín is presented. New documentation techniques have been used on the study. It has been more than 30 years since the last exhaustive study carried on these sites, the digital enhancement of the images has allow us to have not only a better documentation of the motifs but also offer a new reading relating to the preservation of the paintings. In this way, we point out that one the re-painted of the bull from Ceja de Piezarrodilla could be, in fact, a biotic agent growing over the painting.The re-study of the rock-art sites of the area, also with the new rock-art shelters recently found, allow us to establish thematic and stylistic parallels that highlight the formation of a real rock-art nucleus in the mountain range of Albarracín with some particularities that have little to do with the Levantine rock-art in other areas.
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Author Biographies

Manuel Bea

Universidad de Zaragoza
Área de Prehistoria. Dpto. de Ciencias de la Antigu?edad. Universidad de Zaragoza. C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12  - 50009 – Zaragoza (España)

Jorge Angás Pajas

Scanner Patrimonio e Industria
Scanner Patrimonio e Industria. Avda. Navarra, 103 (local). 50017 Zaragoza, España.