A very singular Roman handle for bronze vasell from Layana (Zaragoza, Spain) with representation of a siren


The following paper deals with a bronze Roman handle –probably part of the decoration of a container of liquid or bronze vasell– featuring a siren which was found in Layana (Zaragoza, Spain) during archaeological survey in 2011. Here we study its iconographical parallels and conclude on its more than likely imported character and its chronology.
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Andreu Pintado, J. (2013). A very singular Roman handle for bronze vasell from Layana (Zaragoza, Spain) with representation of a siren. Zephyrvs, 70, 183–189. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0514-7336/article/view/9333

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Author Biography

Javier Andreu Pintado

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia-UNED. Edificio de Humanidades. C/ Senda del Rey 7, 5ª Planta, 28040, Madrid (España)