The eastern necropolis of Baelo Claudia in the context of Punic-Mauritanian religion. A reading from the last archaeological works


A new study of the oriental necropolis of Baelo Claudia (Tarifa, Cádiz) is approached in this work. This taking into account new digs and re-interpretation of old works. As a result, new readings in funerary landscape, religiosity, ethnicity, architectonical typology, materials and goods are proposed.
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Prados Martínez, F. (2012). The eastern necropolis of Baelo Claudia in the context of Punic-Mauritanian religion. A reading from the last archaeological works. Zephyrvs, 68, 191–210. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Fernando Prados Martínez

Universidad de Alicante. Dpto. Prehistoria, Arqueologia, Historia antigua, Filologia griega y Filologia latina Alicante (España)