Peopling of Northern Argentinean Patagonia during Late Holocene: paleoenvironments and social imperatives


In this paper, the role of central plateaus –dated at ca. 3500 AP– in the peopling of the southern end of America that started at around ca. 13000 AP, is discussed. A revision and updating of the archaeological and paleoclimatic evidences and their absolute chronologies were made. To Mid Holocene, the space that we defined as the periphery of central plateaus –Atlantic coast, Colorado, Limay and Chubut rivers– was conformed. During Late Holocene, the inland sites were characterized by a progresively increase in the density of archaeological remains, with dense occupations towards upper levels or the final settlement stage on the Plateaus. An inland Norpatagonia peopling model is proposed, based on which of the peripheral population loci could provoke exploratory and migratory movements, and paleoenvironmental and social explanations are considered.
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Boschín, M. T., & Andrade, A. (2012). Peopling of Northern Argentinean Patagonia during Late Holocene: paleoenvironments and social imperatives. Zephyrvs, 68, 41–61. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

María Teresa Boschín

Centro Nacional Patagónico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina (Argentina)

Analía Andrade

Centro Nacional Patagónico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina (Argentina)