IV-V century roman glasses, from the site of La Viña de la Iglesia (Sotoserrano, Salamanca)


We submit 41 fragments of late imperial age glass, coming from three S.U. (3, 4 & 15), extracted in two excavation campaigns (2004-2005), carried out in La Viña de La Iglesia site (Sotoserrano, Salamanca). We are able to distinguish and classify three different shapes with a chronology between 4th and 5th centuries A.D., data which fits well with other materials from the same archaeological contexts.
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Dahí Elena, S. (2012). IV-V century roman glasses, from the site of La Viña de la Iglesia (Sotoserrano, Salamanca). Zephyrvs, 66, 219–226. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0514-7336/article/view/8571


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Author Biography

Sarah Dahí Elena

C/ Condor, n.º 11, Urb. Valdelagua. E-37194 Sta. Marta de Tormes, Salamanca (España)