Roman mountain roads between Asturias and León. The integration of «Asturia transmontana» in the road network of Hispania


The available information of the Roman ways across the Cantabrian Mountains is checked, between the present-day provinces of Asturias and León. The aim is to question this information in the light of recent contributions of the technical characteristics of the Roman ways. We bet for introducing in the archaeological narratives a bigger concretion that provides the suitable use of the technical terms related to the Roman system of communications in our case of study. Thus, we will be able to assess the degree of integration of the Asturia transmontana in the administrative and socio-political reality of the Roman Empire.
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González Álvarez, D. (2011). Roman mountain roads between Asturias and León. The integration of «Asturia transmontana» in the road network of Hispania. Zephyrvs, 67, 171–192. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

David González Álvarez

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Departamento de Prehistoria - Facultad de Geografía e Historia - Universidad Complutense de Madrid - C/Prof. Aranguren s/n 28040- Madrid (España)