Gesture and form in the Neolithic graphic expression

  • Philippe Hameau
    Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis hameau[at]
  • Albert Painaud
    Museo de Huesca


The parietal painted sign keeps on the memory of gesture that produces it. It is one of the distinctive features of this particular artefact. However, it is not possible to reconstruct this gesture if we do not give the context of the sign, if we do not present the numerous physical and cultural parameters which are in charge of their production. About schematic paintings of Neolithic age, we must take the union of criterions into account such as the parietal and site topography, the cultural constraints that appoint the location of figures and the ritual practices originally the graphical expression. The painter perceives, adapts and behaves according to this spatial and social environment. We refer here to several strategies: the attention for the parietal microtopography in accordance with the signs to draw, the respect of some criterions that specify the choice of the site like the hygrophily of places and the rubefaction of rock walls, the need to paint at the limits of the accessibility of site and wall, the use of drawing-tools for increase the capacities of the body. The efficiency of the gesture consists in realizing a sign bearing a meaning because in harmony with the features of its support.
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  • Métricas
Hameau, P., & Painaud, A. (2011). Gesture and form in the Neolithic graphic expression. Zephyrvs, 67, 91–110. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Philippe Hameau

Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
LASMIC. Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis. UFR LASH. 98, Bd Edouard Herriot BP 209. 06204 Nice Cedex 3 (Francia)

Albert Painaud

Museo de Huesca
Museo de Huesca. Plaza de la Universidad, 1. 22002 Huesca (España)