New data for Pleistocene-Holocene transition: Cingle de l’Aigua rock shelter (Xert, North Valencian Country)


This paper describes the initial data obtained at Cingle de l’Aigua rock shelter (Xert, Baix Maestrat, North Valencian Country). The typological study of the lithic assembly and a radiometric dating (10520 ± 60 BP) date it to back to the Recent Epimagdalenian. Furthermore, the characteristics of both Recent Epimagdalenian and Microlaminar Sauveterroid are also evaluated through the analysis of the geometric microliths recovered at the site.
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Román Monroig, D. (2011). New data for Pleistocene-Holocene transition: Cingle de l’Aigua rock shelter (Xert, North Valencian Country). Zephyrvs, 66, 209–218. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Dídac Román Monroig

Universitat de Valencia
Departamento de Prehistoria i Arqueología. Universitat de Valencia. Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 28. 46010 Valencia (España)