The human symbolism:Death in the Mousterian and MSA


The main characteristic of human behavior is the symbolism. But symbolism remains still unknown in different aspects. In this paper we conduct an structural analysis of human symbolism, through a methological synthesis of diverse sciences that study the human being (Evolutive Biology, Neurology, Psychology and Sociology). As a result, an innovative Psychobiological explanation about the human behavior and its phases has showed up. This method develops a new explaining way about the origin and evolution of our symbolical and complex behavior. As a result, an innovative Psychobiological explanation about the human behavior and its phases has showed up from the origin to current manifestations, in order to design a imitable study method. Subsequently we have to applied this method in known funerary behavior of the Middle Paleolithic of Europe, Near East and MSA of South Africa, to evaluate intention and symbolism associated. Also, consider cannibalism as a form of disposal of dead in this period, trying to understand if undertaken as survival or behavior associated with symbolic elements similar to those associated with burials.
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Rivera Arrizabalaga, Ángel. (2010). The human symbolism:Death in the Mousterian and MSA. Zephyrvs, 65, 39–63. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Ángel Rivera Arrizabalaga

UNED. Dpto. de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Doctor en Prehistoria por la UNED. Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía. Travesía Fortuny, 6. 28300 Aranjuez - Madrid (España)