Sequential Dynamics Linked with Negative Structures through a Bayesian Approximation. The Case of Camí de Missena (La Pobla del Duc, València)


The negative structures settlements present a particular problem when interpreting their evolution and their odd discontinuous stratigraphy. One of these places is the Camí de Missena, which was classified as a typical settlement of the iii millennium cal bc, although certain archaeological data were referred to much earlier times. Bayesian statistics have been used to relate the available radiocarbon dates with specific characteristics and features of the present material culture to solve this problem, establish the evolution of the settlement, and test the validity of the application of this novel method in a micro scale of analysis. The result has allowed both the temporary location of many undated negative structures and the establishment of different chrono-cultural periods so the site’s internal evolution. These results suggest the validity of the Bayesian prediction method for this kind of archaeological problem and its great potential in both large-scale – macro – and internal – micro – scale applications.
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