Manly emotions and the experience of the imperial nation in the Rif Wars (1909-1927)


This article claims the project of Spanish colonialism in Morocco as a key element in the national construction of Spain between the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th. It aims is to study nation experiences from below, far from an analysis focused only on the state or the elites. To do so, it uses the tools of the history of emotions. From this perspective and through the notion of emotional community, it analyses how the imperial nation was experienced in the African context by different social and ideological sectors that constituted different emotional communities - dominant or marginal. It demonstrates that this emotional experience of the nation was deeply marked by gender and particularly by the emotions linked to masculinity.
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Torres Delgado, G. (2020). Manly emotions and the experience of the imperial nation in the Rif Wars (1909-1927). Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 38, 99–127.


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