Brief review of the processes of resistance against colonization in the Horn of Africa. Struggles in Italian Somalia and the Dervish Movement (1890-1930)


This article intends to review the resistance against the colonization process that developed in the Horn of Africa in the period 1890-1930. Specifically, it will analyse the struggles driven by the Somali peoples in the different occupied regions. The objective is to rethink the image of the Somalis as «passive peoples» who «allowed themselves to be conquered» and to analyse events from another radically different perspective. Furthermore, if traditionally the only resistance worthy of consideration was the dervish movement, this study has also proceeded to examine the role of other resistance movements that took place in southern Somalia and in the Sultans of Obbia and Midyurtina, as well as the specific case of the Gosha Revolts. To carry out this study, a bibliographical review was carried out and primary and secondary sources were used as official documentation, treatises, and journals, as well as newsletters of the time and the newspaper library.
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Arconada Ledesma, P. (2020). Brief review of the processes of resistance against colonization in the Horn of Africa. Struggles in Italian Somalia and the Dervish Movement (1890-1930). Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 38, 245–266.


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