The unsubmissive space. Memorials and other monuments from the European Observatory of Remembrance

  • Jordi Guixé
    Observatorio Europeo de Memorias. Universidad de Barcelona eus[at]


This text main topic revolves around tree main ideas: the need to consider the memory and its physical/symbolic spaces as a common European heritage; the challenge of transmission and re-signification of this memory in nowadays social and contemporary values; the way to do about comparative and transnational sphere from the case study of European Observatory on Memories. The text tries to merge a more conceptual and theoretical reflection with some practical examples and case studies as an example about the debates and conflicts around memorial places and projects. Concepts as the multiplicity of memories, nostalgic memories, resistance, and uncomfortable and uneasy conflicts on memory public policies are approached as such and through practical cases of interpretation, transmission and cultural usage of memory. The text also tries to analyze the European debates and programs about European public policies on memory and presents the controversial debate about the competition on memories between Nazism and Stalinism as case studies. Finishing with some ideas about the Spanish case around how to promote a social memory.
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Guixé, J. (2019). The unsubmissive space. Memorials and other monuments from the European Observatory of Remembrance. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 37, 9–36.


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