History, memory and public policies in the province of Valencia: a view from the university


This article conducts a brief summary of the establishment and the activities developed by the Aula de Historia y Memoria Democrática of the Universitat de València. Furthermore, this article proposes to have a general reflection on the history, the memory and public policies in the province of Valencia from this academic structure. Especially, we intend to reflect on the implementation of public policies on memory related to the periods of the Second Republic, the Civil War and the Franco dictatorship; as well as the political change of the 2015-2019 legislature.
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Ibáñez Domingo, M. (2019). History, memory and public policies in the province of Valencia: a view from the university. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 37, 37–53. https://doi.org/10.14201/shhcont3720193753


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