The idea of Spain of Alfonso Osorio: a «neoforalist project» in the first governments of the transition


This article aims to analyze the figure of Alfonso Osorio and the idea of Spain that he maintained during the years of the democratic transition, studying the projects he tried to carry out to address the territorial problem. The issue has been approached through a biographical analysis, for which the diverse material deposited in his personal archive has been of special value, as well as the testimony of Osorio and other partners of his life experience. This has made it possible to know the main lines of his political thought, which, in this article, has been defined as «neoforalist». From this conception he tried to carry out different projects that, nevertheless, clashed with the position of Adolfo Suárez, without a definite idea of this problem and in favor of relegating the issue, being the different conceptions of the regional fact one of the causes of the political rupture between both politicians.
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Magaldi Fernández, A. (2019). The idea of Spain of Alfonso Osorio: a «neoforalist project» in the first governments of the transition. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 37, 319–346.


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