A chilean initiative in favor of the price of bolivian tin (1951-1952). An economic issue in the Chilean-Bolivian-United States relationship

  • Juan Eduardo Mendoza
    Juan Eduardo MENDOZA eus[at]eusal.es
  • Cristian Garay
    Universidad de Santiago de Chile


This article analyzes the initiatives of Chilean President Gabriel González Videla (1946-1952) in favor of the price of bolivian tin in the 1950s as a consequence of a vision that, in the economic sphere, contained critical elements of Washington’s relationship with the South American countries. The novelty of this position is that it contradicts the historiographic consensus on the conflicting nature of relations between Chile and Bolivia and also nuances the idea that Gonzalez Videla’s political alignment should be extended to the field economic. 
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Mendoza, J. E., & Garay, C. (2019). A chilean initiative in favor of the price of bolivian tin (1951-1952). An economic issue in the Chilean-Bolivian-United States relationship. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 37, 285–302. https://doi.org/10.14201/shhcont372019285302


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