Reds in Brazil and Spain: the repression policy in two turns


This paper explores the topic of political repression against Spaniards in Brazil and Spain between 1936 and 1945, intending to think about the international collaboration between Franco’s and Vargas’ governments to punish individuals classified as «reds» (rojos). Our hypothesis is that such cooperation turned to be an important tool for maintaining authoritarian practices in those countries, and for the effectiveness of their repressive systems as they enabled repression to reach even further — the control and elimination of enemies in both sides of the Atlantic. Collaborative practices between Vargas’ and Franco’s governments had not yet been specifically studied under contemporary historiography, and we believe that debate on that subject is extremely relevant nowadays, considering the need to elucidate cases of human rights violations, compulsory migration (expulsions) and disappearance of Spanish citizens who were expulsed from Brazil.   
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Cardoso Dos Santos Ribeiro, M. (2019). Reds in Brazil and Spain: the repression policy in two turns. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 37, 223–260.


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