A heterodox in sexual matters: the defense of masturbation by the Spanish anarchist Antonio G. Llauradó (1932-1935)


This article aims to analyze the thinking of the anarchist militant Antonio G. Llauradó using the different articles that he published in the magazine Estudios during the 1930s. Through them, we offer a general vision of their way of understanding life and the human being, and, more specifically, sexuality and its different manifestations and practices. The freshness of his thinking lies in defending the habit of masturbation from a medical and not an ideological point of view, as opposed to other existing discourses that condemned autoerotism as a focus of psycho-sexual illnesses and diseases.
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Lora Medina, A. (2019). A heterodox in sexual matters: the defense of masturbation by the Spanish anarchist Antonio G. Llauradó (1932-1935). Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 37, 139–157. https://doi.org/10.14201/shhcont372019139157


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