Playing against the «Spanish fury» (1910-1936)

  • Alejandro Camino Rodríguez
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid eus[at]
  • Irene Mendoza Martín
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


In the field of history of sports, male football has been the most common topic of research. In this article, we wonder whether Spanish women had a place in this sport and, if so, what kind of image their game produced. To answer these questions, we have considered press from the first third of the 20th century. We have focused on the imaginary created around the myth of the «Spanish fury» at the Antwerp Olympics Games in 1920. Our findings show, on the one hand, that certain characteristics of the male footballers and the way they played were interpreted as «natural». On the other hand, we observe the association of the very same features with female presence at the field.  
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Camino Rodríguez, A., & Mendoza Martín, I. (2019). Playing against the «Spanish fury» (1910-1936). Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 37, 119–137.


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