Fonds versus staff at the Military Archives

  • Víctor Moraleda Torres
    Archivero del Estado. Archivo General Militar de Ávila vimorat[at]
  • María del Carmen Rial Quintela
    Archivera del Estado. Archivo Intermedio Militar Noroeste


Archives belonging to the Military Archivists System allow to study the Spanish History from every aspect; military, politically, socially, economically and culturally, and from any period, from the Medieval to the present times. These documents can be associated to other Archive Centres, such as the central archives of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. Therefore, with the transcendence of these documents, a big volume is split in different archives. We should be questioning if the Archives are provided with qualified resources and adequate material. In this article, it will be analysed what is the Military Archive Regulation foreseen and examined the degree of compliance using the data provided by the Ministry of Defence through their statistics.
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  • Del mismo autor
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Moraleda Torres, V., & Rial Quintela, M. del C. (2019). Fonds versus staff at the Military Archives. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 37, 107–115.


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