Action française: a European and Transatlantic Matrix of the Radical Right?


Action française and maurrassism are inseparable from the figure of maurras. At the same time, they surpass him. Action française refers to polymorphous reality that revolves around three fundamental principles: a doctrine, a newspaper and a league. This group had an indisputable influence not only in France, but abroad as well. A study of the latter case enables us to highlight a chronology that is noticeably different from the one that had been proposed for Europe to the Americas.
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Dard, O. (2013). Action française: a European and Transatlantic Matrix of the Radical Right?. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 30, 27–46. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Olivier Dard

Université Lorraine-Metz
Université Lorraine-Metz CRULH. Ile du Saulcy. BP 30309 - 57006 Metz (Francia)