Terror, poverty and violence. Women in Torrero’s prison (Saragossa, 1936-1939)


Prisons may be an accurate reflection of society. Politic and social changes experienced in a community could eventually affect prison reality in a notorious way. In this paper we go down to the women department of the Prisión Provincial de Zaragoza micro realm. Thus, we will present the changes produced on imprisoned women lives from the so called «Torrero Prison» from the beginning through the end of the Spanish Civil War. During this period, thousands of women were imprisoned in Zaragoza due to their support or collaboration with the political force involved in the Popular Front. And not only that, others were deprived of their liberty just for being daughters, mothers, wives or sisters of outstanding Republican political figures
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Heredia Urzáiz, I. (2012). Terror, poverty and violence. Women in Torrero’s prison (Saragossa, 1936-1939). Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 29, 139–169. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0213-2087/article/view/8607


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Author Biography

Iván Heredia Urzáiz
