Between the Comintern Army and the antifascist solidarity: the trajectory of Giuseppe Di Vittorio inside the discussion about the International Brigades
Abstract The discussion about the essence of the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) is running about the subjection to the Soviet State or to be an autonomous and solidary movement. The figure of Giuseppe Di Vittorio is another element of this discussion. He was an Italian man antifascist in the Spanish Republic between October of 1936 and February of 1937. He was a leader of the International Brigades in Albacete that was in Madrid during the defense of the city. He had personal and political points of view diferents to other members of the International Brigades and he was withdrawn from Spain in strange circumstances.
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Puigsech FarrÀs, J. (2011). Between the Comintern Army and the antifascist solidarity: the trajectory of Giuseppe Di Vittorio inside the discussion about the International Brigades. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 28, 309–327. Retrieved from
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