Publications in Cuba after Latin American Independences


This article has a double objective. On the one hand, it aims to offer a vision of the consequences of the liberal Triennium, and the end of Spanish domain in continental America, on the Cuban printing culture. On the other hand, it analyses the main aspects that influenced Cuban society through the most important periodical contents. The extraordinary economic and commercial development, whose most influential agent was the economic group denominated «sacarocracia», made the printing evolution unstoppable, despite the strong control and censorship imposed by the Spanish government fearing the independence of near Republics. Some new serial publications with good content appeared, such as Revista Bimestre Cubana, and the expansion of printing slowly began in new Cuban populations.
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Sánchez Baena, J. J. (2011). Publications in Cuba after Latin American Independences. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 27. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Juan José Sánchez Baena

Universidad de Murcia
Universidad de Murcia: Avda. Teniente Flomesta, nº 5 Cp. 30003, Murcia (España)