The networks of prostitution in the Spain of the 19th century. The city of Cartagena in the beginnings of the Restoration


The regulation of the «old trade» was assumed during the 19th century by the local and provincial authorities. The surveillance on that group spread with particular emphasis during the period of the Restoration. Medical and police control, had become a way to discipline women and to control dangerous classes. The figure of the prostitute was, then, supported by the established power. Cartagena —military port and working nucleus— emerges as a pioneering model in such an intervention, when the profession was regulated in 1874 and it was established the register of prostitutes. The source gives us a whole series of considerations: the development in the family area, structure of the brothels, urban geography of the activity and the Spanish prostitution network connections. Other variables of interest are: marital status and age, while the previous occupation indicates us the majority presence of the popular classes. Anthometric parameters are also included from height to the eyes colour, appearing scars, which indicate violence of genre. The last point includes personal problems, which allows understanding their decisions and their experiences in life. Selling their bodies was the only possible option for many of them to face up misery. Genre and classes agreed in that exploitation.  
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Egea Bruno, P. M. (2011). The networks of prostitution in the Spain of the 19th century. The city of Cartagena in the beginnings of the Restoration. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 26. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Pedro María Egea Bruno

Universidad de Murcia
Universidad de Murcia Facultad de LetrasCampus de laMercedCp. 30100 Murcia (España)