Elections in Salamanca, 1907

An example of catholic political mobilisation and electoral confrontation in Spain during the restoration

  • Rosa Ana Gutiérrez Lloret
    Universidad de Alicante


This essay, that studies the elections that took place in Salamanca in 1907, has been based upon unpublished documents namely from Antonio Maura, Juan de la Cierva and the Archivio Segreto Vaticano. Salamanca is an excellent point of reference to analyze the political mobilisation, propaganda and procedures that Catholics used in Spain during the reign of Alfonso 13th. Besides, this study provides us with a clearer view of how this all contributed to political modernization, and to recognise the restrictions imposed by internal divisions and confrontations caused by the controversy of the «lesser evil». This will be clearly reflected in the confrontation between the bishops and the Catholic Radical sector when appointing an electoral candidate.
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Gutiérrez Lloret, R. A. . (2004). Elections in Salamanca, 1907: An example of catholic political mobilisation and electoral confrontation in Spain during the restoration. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 22, 319–341. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0213-2087/article/view/29590


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