The development of the China-France relationship

from mutual recognition to the projection of the Belt and Road Initiative


This research analyzes the main structural elements that the Sino-French relationship has developed from its policies of mutual recognition, as well as the perception in France about the implementation of the Belt and Silk Road Initiative into French territory. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1964, the Sino-French relationship has been implemented in accordance with some national interests that have defined its structural characteristics: 1) France’s interest about maintaining a «privileged» relationship with China in the European context; 2) the interest about maintaining active trade relations; 3) China’s interest about having diplomatic relations with a Western Great Power (on economics, culture, nuclear capacity and a un Security Council’s member); 4) France’s interest about being a guide for the European Union’s policies towards China. The research identifies how these characteristics have been instrumental for the different governments of the French Republic and the perception generated by the governments of the People’s Republic of China.
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Rocha Pino, M. de J. (2022). The development of the China-France relationship: from mutual recognition to the projection of the Belt and Road Initiative. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 39, 269–302.


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