Coal, iron, and corn

Study of an early case of truck system in Spain: Mieres factory (Asturias), 1856-1857

  • David González Palomares
    Universidad de Oviedo eusal[at]
  • Luis Aurelio González Prieto
    Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos
  • Jorge Muñiz Sánchez
    Universidad de Oviedo


The objective of this study is to reveal the reasons for the implementation of the first company shop known in Asturias. Notarial protocols, correspondence stored in the Archivo Histórico Nacional of Spain and in the Archivo Histórico de Asturias, as well as newspapers have been used for this purpose. The conclusion is that in the middle of the 19th century there are several factors that explain the establishment of an early truck system in the incipient Asturian industrialization: the famine, the philanthropic theories and the particular situation of a company in need form a very early, hazardous and peculiar model of labor company shop.
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González Palomares, D., González Prieto, L. A., & Muñiz Sánchez, J. (2022). Coal, iron, and corn: Study of an early case of truck system in Spain: Mieres factory (Asturias), 1856-1857. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 39, 191–208.


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