Morocco, 1911

An approach to the Agadir crisis and Abdelkrim’s Arabic chronicles on El Telegrama del Rif (May-November 1911)


This paper aims to promote the study of Spanish-Moroccan relations and the figure of Abdelkrim as a controversial character who went from singing the virtues of the Spanish colonial undertaking to fighting it. This paper aims to analyse the internal and international impact of the so-called Agadir crisis as well as to frame the Riffian’s work as a chronicler in El Telegrama del Rif during this period. Starting from the historical context which led to this episode, considered on the one hand as the prelude to the Franco-Moroccan treaty of Fez of 1912, and on the other as an antechamber to the First World War, the text, which combines historical and philological analysis, provides a first approach to Abdelkrim’s contribution to spreading the Spanish position through his chronicles, all of them written in Arabic. This is intended to provide a sample of how a military and colonial media press justified Spanish actions during the crisis and to what extent Abdelkrim’s invaluable collaboration helped to do so.
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Velasco de Castro, R. (2022). Morocco, 1911: An approach to the Agadir crisis and Abdelkrim’s Arabic chronicles on El Telegrama del Rif (May-November 1911). Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 39, 93–120.


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