Spain and the Annual Battle in the Dhar Oubarran poem (1921 poetic epic of the Rif)


This article tries to study the local vision of the battle of Annual and the Spanish in the Poem of Dhar Oubarran. The discourse of otherness that it contains is not based on denigrating prejudices, but on the behaviors and actions carried out by Spain on the battlefield. In this sense, it insists, on the one hand, on the ease with which the Rif fighters triumphed using very conventional weapons, and, on the other, highlights the denigration of the treacherous role played by the so-called «friends of Spain», in their support for the colonial occupation and the corresponding exaltation of the participation of women in the battlefields contributing aid to the resistance. Added to this is the brutal and violent dimension of the aviation bombings and the tragic feeling with which the poetic voice experienced the destruction caused by them.
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Abrighach, M. (2022). Spain and the Annual Battle in the Dhar Oubarran poem (1921 poetic epic of the Rif). Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 39, 73–92.


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