The africanismo castrense

a bibliographical review

  • Daniel Macías Fernández
    Universidad de Cantabria eusal[at]
  • Sergio García Pujades
    Universidad de Cantabria


The purpose of this article is to outline a state of the art about africanismo castrense, a Spanish military group forged in the colonial context of Moroccan Campaigns (1909-1927) and decisive for understanding Spanish contemporary history of the 20th century. To that end, a systematic review of existing bibliography has been made to study its treatment along recent years. In this way, the paper seeks to narrow down different characteristics that have been attributed to these soldiers in order to uncover current research weaknesses. At the same time, some possible ways forwards will be proposed.
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  • Métricas
Macías Fernández, D., & García Pujades, S. (2022). The africanismo castrense: a bibliographical review. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 39, 49–72.


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