The question of the «identity of Spain» and his atlantic fleet: the incident of the process of the United States independence


The Spanish Fleet during the War of the Independence of the United States against Great Britain, fulfilled essentially the paper of effective warlike counterweight in Europe opposite to the military actions of the French Navy in the former Thirteen English Colonies. Such a circumstance would be in addition one of the principal autochthonous bases for the possible consolidation of the «Spanish identity» contemporary towards the exterior from the power of the sea, much more than from our paper like citizens of the «peninsular interior» and his consolidation and fundamental lacks like individuals of a marginal «agrarian civilization». In these questions, the key of the intervention of the Sea-coast of Spain of the Former Regime was more joined to the annihilation of the power Englishman in the Atlantic Ocean that to the worry in yes of creating a new nation in the United States. Nevertheless, the exterior keys of our identification like nation from the dominant ocean would arise theoretically from the consequences of that transcendental conflict. The analysis of all this will be the center of our hypothesis of work methodologically.
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Cayuela Fernández, J. G. (2017). The question of the «identity of Spain» and his atlantic fleet: the incident of the process of the United States independence. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 35, 289–316. Retrieved from


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