On the Democratic Transition and the xxist Century: New Paths, New Formulas


Passing the frontier of the year 2000 meant for the world society a leap, a space to navigate, without knowing what the final port was. Innovations and advances in this new society of Information have made it faster that reflection. Three major cuts in 21st century Spain: the eruption of memory, the 2008 crisis and the institutional change in the State. When can this part of the past be interpreted without ties? There are many conditions: one of them, primary, basic, is the concept of Transition, not rupture: a transit from one site to another.This is an article based more in with questions than with certainties. It is not easy trying to explain the lines of fracture —or continuity— of forty-years-ago historical processes without accessible sources: it gains in imagination but certainly also analysis and empirical reflection can be lost in translation. This paper analyses how those new historical narratives have contributed to overcoming the consideration of the transition from the single perspective of being the foundational myth of Spanish national identity.
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Grandío Seoane, E. (2017). On the Democratic Transition and the xxist Century: New Paths, New Formulas. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 35, 241–264. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0213-2087/article/view/17979


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