The Limits of Fascism in Spain. A Critical Journey through Concepts, Interpretations and Debates of Recent Historiography on Francoism


This article aims to study the recent Spanish historiography about Francoism, considering the works published in the 21st century. I seek to determine the main historiographical cores built in the last fifteen years around the aforementioned object of study, while shedding light on the existence of lines of fracture with the previous historiography. Equally, I will pay special attention to the concept and analytical tools developed by fascist studies regarding their application in Spain, in order to determine the degree of dialogue existing between the Spanish and the main European academies. Therefore, I will focus on three essential thematic nodes, which have encompassed the bulk of the publications. On the one hand, the never-ending debate about the definition of the Francoist regime. On the other hand, the analysis of the Spanish Civil War as the formative scenario for the dictatorship. And, finally, the structure and development of its social support.
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Alonso Ibarra, M. (2017). The Limits of Fascism in Spain. A Critical Journey through Concepts, Interpretations and Debates of Recent Historiography on Francoism. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 35, 135–170. Retrieved from


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