From PSOE (Histórico) to PASOC. An approach to his political and ideological evolution (1972-1986)


The process of political transition from francoist dictatorship to democracy in Spain was formed by years of evolution and transformation which affected in a particular way to Spanish left. Both cases of Felipe González renovated psoe and pce implied a renounce of their more rupturist political approaches.The group of «historical socialists» —which had been differenced of Felipe González’ psoe because of his position near the communists— had a conservative starting position, but due to the power position of renovated psoe, they were getting a position more and more rupturist. In this article, our aim is to analyze what were the historical, social and economic facts that affected to the evolution of the «psoe Histórico», which at the beginning had the key principle of the exile («Nothing with the communists») and at the end they came up to sign an electoral agreement with the pce in a coalition called Izquierda Unida.
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Bueno Aguado, M. (2016). From PSOE (Histórico) to PASOC. An approach to his political and ideological evolution (1972-1986). Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 34, 333–369. Retrieved from


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