A case of socialist cantonalism: the Asturias & León sovereign council


In the second year of Spanish Civil War, with the advance of francoists troops in the North, the Asturias region rested isolated. With the capital, Oviedo, occupied by the rebels, republican parties decided to keep the fight until the end. Anyway, the isolation with the Government of the Republic has provided a separation in fact that, with the creation of Sovereign Council, became in situation of right. Not all left parties shared the decision, because they wanted to keep the relation, although its difficulties, with central Government. Historically, the linkage between and nationalities question has been troubled and diverse, between the theoretical internationalism and the reality of some national facts clearly expressed. This is the case of a cantonal and separatist movement not involved by a nationalist party but just by several lefts who pleaded the international solidarity with its fight. The geographical conditions of Asturian region and the war’s way contributed firmly to this fact happens.
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Guerra Sesma, D. (2016). A case of socialist cantonalism: the Asturias & León sovereign council. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 34, 269–300. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0213-2087/article/view/16168


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