A thirty years balance of Spanish presence in the European Parliament


A balance of the Spanish presence in the European Parliament in the last thirty years must begin by considering the eu as a process aiming to create a parliamentary democracy. It was the will of the founding fathers to do so in order to avoid dictatorships like the ones which prevailed in thefirst half of the 20th century. It was not a constituent process: the existing parliamentary democracy has been created step by step.The Spanish participation cannot be assessed from the perspective of its positive financial results only. Beyond the three Spanish presidents of the European Parliament, its main outcome is the Spanish contribution to the political evolution of the eu as a supranational parliamentarian democracy whose achievements are, among others, the creation of a European citizenship, the economic and social cohesion policies, the co-decision procedure and the investiture of the President of the Commission in and open-ended constituent process.
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Barón Crespo, E. (2016). A thirty years balance of Spanish presence in the European Parliament. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 34, 145–153. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0213-2087/article/view/16162


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