And Castile Became Spain ... Nationalization and Cinematographic Representation of Castile in the NO-DO, 1943-1956

  • Gloria García González
    Facultad de Comunicación. Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca ggarciago[at]


The powerful presence of NO-DO on movie screens across the country for four decades made of it a vital propaganda tool and a valuable agent of nationalization for the Franco regime. Spanish towns and regions suffered in their programs a constant process of mystification aimed at drawing a picture of the country in line with the political parameters of the dictatorship.To that end, Castile became for the authorities of the dictatorship the perfect pretext to boost, also from the film language, a powerful renationalization of the country around the language, traditional values and a sense of Spain based on a unitary, catholic and imperial Castile.
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García González, G. (2015). And Castile Became Spain . Nationalization and Cinematographic Representation of Castile in the NO-DO, 1943-1956. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 33, 253–271. Retrieved from


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