Mexican and Central-American Contributions to the Study of the Civil War: Two Historical Traditions


This article analyses the historiography about the Spanish Civil War from Mexico and Central America. The result is quite different from the point of view of the interest raised by the Spanish conflict. This is can be explained by the different levels of involvement of the Mexican and Central American authorities in the war. However, the importance of the Republican exile in Mexico and its relative insignificance in Central America is also a contributing factor. The present day interest in the civil war is still based on that involvement and not of the evolution of the conflict.
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Hoyos Puente, J. de. (2014). Mexican and Central-American Contributions to the Study of the Civil War: Two Historical Traditions. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 32, 427–434. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Jorge de Hoyos Puente

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Facultad de Geografía e História. Universidad Nacional de Educación a DistanciaCalle Senda del Rey, 7 C.P.:28040 Madrid