The difficult past. Recent Italian contributions to the study of the Civil War
Abstract German historiography of the Spanish Civil War has its origins in the nineteen sixties and focused at the start largely on specific aspects of the German presence in the conflict, namely bilateral relations and in particular the Condor Legion, as well as those German fighters within the International Brigades.Later on, German historiography has come to cover an increasing number of issues with anarchism and, more recently, historical memory emerging as standout themes. In Germany, the Civil War is without a doubt the most attractive issue of contemporary Spanish history and its historiography not only reflects the respective ideological and political approaches on both sides of the Iron Curtain during the Cold War, but also the specific historiographical tendencies of the time.
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Puppini, M. (2014). The difficult past. Recent Italian contributions to the study of the Civil War. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 32, 385–399. Retrieved from
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