The different logics of violence: outcomes and historical perspectives

  • Gutmaro Gomez Bravo
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid ggomezb[at]
  • Alejandro Perez-Olivares
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid


In the last few years explanations of violence in the Spanish Civil War have undergone substantial transformations. New sources, new methods and new reflections on the centrality of violence during the Francoist regime and war period have facilitated one of the most meaningful reinterpretations of Spanish society in the 1930s and 40s. New research fields such as the institutional frameworks, the extent of social support or the relationship between academic and social knowledge about the past have all established themselves. In this article we reflect on recent historiography, the main debates and future orientations in this area. Interdisciplinary dialogue, local analyses and increased dissemination of knowledge towards a wider audience will lead the way forward
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Gomez Bravo, G., & Perez-Olivares, A. (2014). The different logics of violence: outcomes and historical perspectives. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 32, 251–262. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Gutmaro Gomez Bravo

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.departamento de Historia ContemporáneaFacultad de Geografía e Historia\"Edificio B\"    C/ Profesor Aranguren, s/n    Ciudad Universitaria    28040 - MADRID91 394 5899  

Alejandro Perez-Olivares

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.departamento de Historia ContemporáneaPersonal Investigador en FormaciónFacultad de Geografía e Historia\"Edificio B\"    C/ Profesor Aranguren, s/n    Ciudad Universitaria    28040 - MADRID91 394 5899    