Scientific history vs commitment history in the runup to the Civil War


Historical «revisionists» of the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939) have in recent years defined themselves as «scientific». Their main ideas are outlined in the «Decalogue of the revisionist historian». The parameters of that self-proclaimed «science» remain undefined, unless they are understood as a way of distinguishing themselves from «ideology», with which they define «commitment history». Thelatter would be the «traditional» historiographical approach, concerned with the explanation of material conditions or the international context, rather than focusing on political discourse or the role played by leaders. The main goal of these new «revisionists» is to demystify the Republican era by placing themselves in an alleged «third position», free from partisan influence of the left or the right. This chapter focuses on the supposed impartiality of «revisionist» historians and on the consistency of the policies of exclusion attributed to Republicans and Socialists.
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Robledo, R. (2014). Scientific history vs commitment history in the runup to the Civil War. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 32, 75–94. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Ricardo Robledo

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Economía e Historia EconómicaFacultad de Economía y EmpresaUniversidad de Salamanca 37007 SalamancaTlf. (+34) 923 29 44 00 Ext.3179/3195