The teaching of modern contemporary history in today’s Spain: between black hole and teleology


This article begins by exploring a counterfactual past which obviously never existed. It serves to highlight the enormous deficiencies in history books which all Spanish children must study in their years of mandatory school.This is exemplified in treatment of the Civil War. Those deficiencies are both conceptual and methodological. Their combined impact illustrates how Spanish teaching diverges from the experiences of many Western European countries. The possibility of change seems small.
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Hernandez Sanchez, F. (2014). The teaching of modern contemporary history in today’s Spain: between black hole and teleology. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 32, 57–74. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Fernando Hernandez Sanchez

Universidad Autónoma de Madrrid
Profesor de Didactica de las CCSSFacultad de Formacion del Profesorado y EducacionUniversidad Autonoma de MadridCiudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid914 97 51 00