The Employment Possibilities of the Internet of Things in the Hotel Sector and its Training Needs


The incorporation of the Internet of Things in companies and the hotel sector creates new workloads that must be covered. Thus, through literature review and survey, this paper studies the employment possibilities that exist in the hotel sector with the emergence of the Internet of Things in that sector and the new training needs generated by said technology, in addition to checking if these differ from the same ones that originate in the business sector in general. In this way, the employment opportunities to supply the new labor needs of the hotels are confirmed and the training needs are identified (justified to each one of the dimensions covered by the Internet of Things in the hotels, something that coincides with the business sector in general), causing advocacy for the creation of courses or training programs adapted to the real needs of hotels and companies with respect to this technology.
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Author Biographies

Alfonso Infante-Moro

Universidad de Huelva
Departamento de Economía Financiera, Contabilidad y Dirección de Operaciones de la Universidad de Huelva

Juan Carlos Infante-Moro

Universidad de Huelva
Departamento de Economía Financiera, Contabilidad y Dirección de Operaciones de la Universidad de Huelva

Julia Gallardo-Pérez

Universidad de Huelva
Departamento de Economía Financiera, Contabilidad y Dirección de Operaciones de la Universidad de Huelva