Methodological Guidelines Catalog to Support the Collaborative Learning Process


The use of modern information and communication technology, it has become in one of the most promising ideas to improve teaching and learning. An example is the computer-supported collaborative learning, which is concerned with studying how people can learn together with the help of computers and that if implemented appropriately, can provide an ideal environment in which interaction among students plays an important role in this learning process. However, development activity in a group with the use of a tool does not ensure a right collaboration and in addition, another problem apparent is: for the educators is easier to follow accepted practices than to carve out new paths replacing the traditional lecture-tutorial model with something radical as group work with the help of computers. For this reason, it is necessary to have elements that say what and how to support the collaborative learning process for improving the collaboration and the actions of teachers. In this paper, we propose a methodological guidelines catalog for solving these problems, which are a recurring solution to a standard problem that helps to communicate and reuse knowledge in this context, providing great benefits for the development of reusable, flexible, and customizable collaborative learning activities. According to the validation, it can be considered that our proposal is useful, applicable and ease of use in the application of collaborative activities and with its use, the collaboration improve.
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